Monday, May 7, 2012

Hey! How are you?

It's a new day! New opportunities are available to us - if we partake.

I'm so blessed with the sun shining through my window, my cat on the desk to my right and all three dogs napping close by ... My work lined up for the day. I am on it!! And I can take time to enjoy myself a long the way. (Like appreciating my pets, the sunshine and countless others).

Yes, I have several situations in my life I'd rather be complete with, I can fret and stew or accept they are a part of my life at this time; my attitude is the saving grace. Too many years I was sooo stressed, bitchy and doubting ... the influence of the negativity was horrendous. While I can't change the past, I can learn from it and apply healthy tools today.

Life is good! I'm hoping yours is too!!

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