Monday, February 3, 2025

Resistance or Inspiration—Which Will You Choose?

Inspiration comes forth from within. It’s what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don’t do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don’t really want to do. Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting—and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome.”

— Excerpted from an Abraham-Hicks workshop in Spokane, WA, on 7/7/99. © Abraham-Hicks Publication. All Abraham-Hicks material is © Abraham-Hicks Publications. Shared for educational and inspirational purposes.

Pondering Thoughts…

I agree with Abraham, yet there’s that nagging little “yeah, but…” creeping in. What happens when something has to be done, yet inspiration hasn’t struck? Consequences don’t wait. Some are minor, others carry real weight.

Inspiration isn’t something that comes and goes—it’s always within me. When I’m in fear, stress, or resistance, I’m choosing something else. That’s the real battle. It’s not about waiting for inspiration; it’s about choosing it over the resistance.

So, do I ask for help? Do I break it into bite-sized steps—5 or 15 minutes at a time? The operative thing is movement.

Inspiration without action fades—until movement reignites the spark, bringing momentum and the feel-good energy of accomplishment. That feeling is a reminder, ready to be drawn on the next time resistance shows up.