Look, I’m not saying my dogs work for some anti-tech resistance group, but the evidence is starting to pile up.
A couple of years ago, I had an Apple Watch. I wore it, used it, no issues. Then, one day, I took it off… and it vanished. I searched high and low. Scanned my entire house like I was running a crime scene investigation. Then, just to be thorough, I took the search outside, because, you know, maybe my watch had developed legs and wandered off. Nothing. It was as if the universe decided, Nope, you’re done with that.
Now, let’s fast-forward a bit. Enter: my Apple AirPods Pro. Fancy, expensive, and a staple in my daily routine—until one of my dogs (a different one this time, mind you) reached up, snatched them off the end table, and destroyed them. No subtlety. No mystery. Just full-blown annihilation, right in front of me.
At first, I chalked it up to my own carelessness. Leaving expensive gadgets within paw’s reach? Rookie mistake.Then I started putting the pieces together.
See, I’ve been paying close attention to technology, privacy, and energy. I’ve resisted Big Tech’s push to track my every move, refused to be funneled into their AI-driven rabbit holes, and stayed mindful of what aligns with me. And now, I’m realizing—maybe I wasn’t the one who eliminated those devices.
Maybe, just maybe, my dogs were doing the job for me.
I mean, think about it. The watch? Gone without a trace. No destruction, no evidence—just poof. The earbuds? Destroyed in plain sight, as if to say, "You’re not getting these back, lady."
It’s too weird to ignore. Considering all the information coming forward about Bluetooth exposure, tracking, and the subtle ways technology influences us… I don’t think this was random. I think these things were removed for a reason.
Now, does this mean I’ve got two little furry tech skeptics running around, making sure I don’t get too plugged in? Maybe. Or maybe the universe works in ways we don’t always recognize—sometimes through gut feelings, sometimes through missing objects, and sometimes through dogs with suspiciously strong opinions about what belongs in my life.
Either way, message received.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go check if my laptop is still where I left it.