I love my gardens...
My home is on about a ¼ acre and the grass is disappearing as I put in yet another flower bed, fruit tree, veggie/ fruit/ herb garden(s) and berry plant.

The property came with several really old tall trees, two have ginormous leaves and I'll bet there are a zillion leaves each. Last fall we filled bag after bag, I didn’t think that job would end.
Fast forward...

This year countless people have shared how beautiful my yard is, some even say it looks like a park; I thank them and smile. I'm just the steward of the land ...
I love my corner of the world.

Here we are November 8, 2012 and fall has arrived; the temperatures are dropping, moving us towards winter. The trees have been dumping those ginormous leaves by the trillion. I’ve mulched leaves and I’ve bagged leaves. Oh my gosh, there are at least a million more to fall.
I have to be careful as they continue to dump, especially when the wind blows, I could fall in and no one would find me until next spring. I’m not kidding, it seems like a conspiracy.
Gratitude and Abundance .... or
complain, complain, complain?
I prefer Gratitude and Abundance.
ALL of those leaves
are beautiful; they’re phenomenal in the summer for shade, the birds,
squirrels and Squiggles my cat, love those trees, hiding and playing amongst
all of the leaves (attached to the trees) and the leaves are great for mulching and compost. The benefits of breathing fresh air, exercise and a quiet mind ...
If the wind is blowing, perhaps it’s the ‘wind gods’ reminding me
to go with the flow and enjoy the process…
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