Thursday, September 24, 2015

Casting seeds

A quick story ... once upon a time there was a cloth bench headed for the dumpster. It had been used and no longer wanted; I learned of it's fate and went for the rescue. Taking it home and giving it a new life with paint and added decor, it's life was restored.

The birds casting seeds, unknowing where the seeds would land... 
spreading love... perhaps in your direction.

May this find you feeling the love!

Monday, July 13, 2015

What To Say?

Several years ago I was working with a couple who were deciding whether they wanted to continue their marriage or bring it to an end; they chose the latter. Both were concerned about the family gossip. They didn’t want to feed the gossip, so what were they to say?

 I suggested for them to share they were ending their marriage because they were no longer bringing out the best in each other. I also suggested they didn’t need to say any more or less.

Though being human … there are times when we feel we have to explain ourselves, especially to family and friends and sometimes the emotion button is activated.

Have you ever said something in the heat of the moment only wishing you could retrieve it? Saying a little bit and it didn’t seem like it was enough to make sense, so you felt the need to say more and it wasn’t enough either, oh gosh… feeling yourself getting in deeper and deeper?

Being human … some of us have too much time on our hands … and we gossip. Where there is gossip there is drama and nothing good comes from either.

Steering clear of gossip is reflective of personal development/ maturity/ awareness...

Wayne Dyer the “father of motivation” shares when his children would begin to gossip, he wouldn’t participate. He would say since (child’s name) isn’t here to defend themselves I will. That brought a halt to the gossip and drama.

Bringing out the best … is a conscious decision looking beyond our immediate needs and determining that which serves the highest good of all and implementing it.

“When we gain control of our mind, our True Nature automatically shines forth in all its radiance.” –John Welshons, author of  "One Soul, One Love, One Heart"

To your best life!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

He Who Buries His Head in The Sand is Apt to Get His Butt Kicked

I recently had a conversation with someone who is experiencing turmoil in his life. Having a curious nature about me I asked what kept him in his uncomfortable situation. His response, “It’s comfortable and at least I know what’s going on, if I change I won’t know won’t what to expect.”

We have this fallacy with “being comfortable”. Is it possible being comfortable also equates conditioning? Perhaps being comfortable alters our perception of life.

When …
• Life isn’t working the way we want it, we say, “life sucks!”
• Our health is compromised – we blame it on _____ (kids, work, animals, etc.)
• Relationships aren’t what we expected – it’s the other person’s fault
• Our job isn’t great anymore? – just too much stress …
• Opportunities are passed to the other person – we’re mad

Being comfortable with a menu of knowing what to expect robs us of living our best life.

One thing is certain, when we hangout with this thinking, we find our friends with similar viewpoints – that’s a comforting thought, huh.

Scary as situations can be, by taking baby steps we can move towards a healthier outcome. Taking our head out of the sand offers us new insights. Sometimes it isn't comfortable however without taking a risk there is no glory.

To you living your best life!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hesitation or Believe?

Revisiting an earlier time...

Yesterday I shared my time with Benson, who is two. We were outdoors where he has a big backyard to play in, a couple of Cocker Spaniels to play with – though he has little time for them as he’s more interested in duplicating his father’s actions.

Benson grabbed my hand and led me to the ‘big boys’ shop where the ‘big’ riding lawnmowers and motorcycles are stored. We went inside and quicker than you can blink an eye, he was over, around and through the maze and all but on a mower. I found myself moving quicker than I have in a year or two, and while swooping him up in my arms he had the realization his adventure was brought to a halt.

Let me rewind for a moment, since this baby has been barely old enough to be propped in front of his father on the riding lawnmower, Benson has been focused, watching every move. His father taught Benson how to “drive” and “shift” – Who would have known this little masterminded-curly-red-head, has a photographic memory?

I’m guessing he was a little older than a year (not much though) we were out in the backyard, his dad had left the riding lawnmower outdoors with the key in the ignition.

Imagining a little guy at that age knowing how to climb up and attempt to turn the key (the only thing that prevented this from occurring was that he didn’t have the strength). Benson would move the wheel back and forth; he attempted to move the lever on the handle bar – he was ready to make that thing go. Thinking to myself, oh my gosh, changes are in the works. His daddy decided it was time to move the lawnmower into the shop – with a closed door.

Christmas brought him a John Deer riding lawn mower just like his father’s.

Returning to yesterday … after Benson realized that I was interrupting his grand scheme and fussing and flinging about in my arms for a moment, I assured him we’d do something else. We did. He took off, headed for his John Deere riding lawn mower – I quickly realized that it was operational. It too had a gas pedal (that works), gears including reverse (that work) and the steering wheel that moves when he turns it. He jumped on that thing just like he’s watched his dad a zillion times. Driving it around, he’d get off pick up sticks and add them to the attached bed … and get right back on and continue.

I was amused to watch him while he was driving on an uphill slant, occasionally the tires would lose traction preventing him from going anywhere. He’d jump off of it, saying something about it not getting enough gas (remember he’s two), fiddle with the gas lid, saying it would get more gas, jump back onto the seat and put it into gear, foot on the pedal with determination and belief that mower would move forward – and it did – with a helping hand unbeknown to him.

I love being Benson's mema.

A great experience, and recapping with my daughter (Benson’s mom) several metaphors appeared…

Such an inspiration, he is. Not once did he hesitate, he believed.

Where might you apply this little guy’s wisdom in your life?

Wishing you a happy day!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Having Trouble Sleeping? Insomnia?

 Do you have difficulty with sleeping? Feeling sleep-deprived?

Tips & simple strategies to help you beat insomnia. Be ready to take notes.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Did you know by smiling to the count of 60 - your energy can improve?

Did you know by smiling to the count of 60 - your energy can improve?

I suppose this notion of mine is purely subjective - perhaps you'll read this and try it for yourself.
Many years ago I learned by having visuals, (i.e., pictures) to trigger my inner happy button, I could raise my energy (also known as change my mood) - it's been a very effective tool.

With time and more tools learned, this application of smiling to the count of 60 became a routine part of my day. I really like how it works.

The two different applications of a smile:
I'm counting ... simultaneously with a smile on my face - my focus is to stay engaged to the count and smile - I accomplish it. While I did it what I set out to do, the outcome is mechanical.

The other option: when I smile, count and allow my mind to experience something that brings me joy (like my grandchildren) - not only am I connected to my self I've tuned into God/Source, subsequently my energy has increased.

Today I had a client do this process. Upon completion she shared how much work it was to smile and count to 60; I shared with my interpretation of Tony Robbin's (motivational guru) spin ... while we're taught to focus on the destinations in life, there's more. He says the destination is very important however it's half of the equation - the journey is the other half - enjoy what you're doing while you're moving towards your goal.

Her realization - her focus was on the destination and she realized that doesn't smile much. Her assignment: smile, count to 60 and experience (within her mind) happiness ten times a day. She was especially enthusiastic when learning this process increases the serotonin and is a powerful antidepressant.

Now that's a big deal!!
Happy day to you!

Monday, February 16, 2015


Have you heard the story about Pain, Blame and Shame? And Fame.

Pain, Blame and Shame were always attempting to be the same as Fame.

Sometimes it was just easier for Pain, Blame and Shame to give up and wait for the right day. With luck, maybe someone would help them. The days came and went... and so did the years.

Sometimes they felt as though they were on the right track — they told each other so. They believed they were happy ... yet they believed true happiness would be euphoric when they caught up with Fame.

The last it was known their persistence gained momentum with the addition of Regret, Doubt and Not-Enough.

And their pursuit continued.

Ponderings… Food for the Soul © 1998 -2015 Glenda Gibbs All rights reserved

Friday, February 13, 2015

Samantha Has More to Love...

Listen/ download:

Love to hear your thoughts/comments!  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Keep believing...

"Ponderings... Food for the Soul"  © Copyrighted 1998 – 2015  by Glenda Gibbs. Feel free to share... The content may be forwarded in full, with copyright/contact/creation information intact.

The Circle of Insight …

The Circle of Insight …

While I was transporting my grandson to school the other day, he was telling me a story and referred to something as ‘crap.’ I listened to Bryce tell his story and when he was complete I asked him what ‘crap’ meant. He believed it be something negative. He said, “You know Gramma!”

I asked him what all he knew about crap – he looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. (It’s a good thing I was driving slow and there wasn’t hardly any traffic … my attention was somewhat distracted.) He responded – “It’s not anything good.”

 “Crap can be rather icky, stinky and really yucky looking … would you agree?” He said, “Yep.” I said, “And that would be negative?” Another yep.

“Did you know that that crap is fertilizer and it nourishes and makes tons of fruits and vegetables? Without it, the fruits and vegetables would barely grow. And fertilizer is used for lots of other things. The idea behind fertilizer is to make things grow better, bigger and more. Does this sound negative to you?” By now I had his interest and he said, “No Gramma.” 

On another day a while ago … I remember being on a stretch of road that I have driven many times. I have to refrain from breathing through my nose as several miles reek from cattle stockyards. A guy that I was dating was working in that area and was looking into purchasing a home in that vicinity. I asked him how he was going to live with that smell. He said … “I don’t smell anything bad.” I said, “Really?” And he responded, “No I don’t smell crap, I smell money.”


I really like how opportunities appear when we least expect them … presenting a learning experience, if we choose.

What goes around comes around.

Smiling ....


Original Written 2005

"Ponderings...Food for the Soul"  © Copyrighted 1998 – 2015  by Glenda Gibbs. Feel free to share... The content may be forwarded in full, with copyright/contact/creation information intact.    

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ask Questions and Get Answers

Ask Questions and Get Answers

Excellent questions from a variety of ages, topics, and both genders. Listen in as Glenda shares her views. Will you agree or disagree? Let us know your thoughts!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Old (Lower Back) Pain Surfaces New Insights


Lower back issues have Bryan's attention; doctors say there's not a reason yet this pain has been around for a long time. In our discussion Bryan shares about his abduction as a 3-year-old and a father who lied.

Your thoughts?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Emotionally charged situations - what to do?

There are those times in life when emotionally charged situations take control and God watch out. 

Thoughts run rapid, irrational behaviors aren't questioned. What to do? 

We know what to do! 

No need to think this through, no need to slow down and breathe, no need to reach out and talk this out with someone who is NOT involved for an objective perspective… No, our need to be right trumps good sense.

We know what to do! 

Or so we believe. Until it doesn’t get us the results we’re expecting.

Through the Grace of God, something clicks. 

When we slow down, breathe, reach out for an objective perspective, miracles occur. 

This you can believe. 

Wishing you a wonderful day!


Ponderings... Food for the Soul (c)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

"Authority" Issues? Are they petty? What about love?

Grandmother attempts to overtake her daughter’s authority trying to teach daughter how to discipline the grandchildren. Daughter says it’s not happening. Is there more to this story? How do they honor each other and yet remain true to what's best for the grandchildren?
Wishing you a wonderful day! Thank you for being here!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

He who buries his head in the sand is apt to get his butt kicked...

I recently had a conversation with someone who is experiencing turmoil in his life. Having a curious nature about me I asked what kept him in his uncomfortable situation. His response, “It’s comfortable and at least I know what’s going on, if I change I won’t know won’t what to expect.”

We have this fallacy of “being comfortable”.  Perhaps the idea of being comfortable alters our perception of life. 

When …

  • ·       Life isn’t working the way we want it, we say, “life sucks!”
  • ·       Our health is compromised – we blame it on _____ (kids, work, animals, etc.)
  • ·       Relationships  aren’t what we expected – it’s the other person’s fault
  • ·       Our job isn’t great anymore? – just too much stress …
  • ·       Opportunities are passed to the other person – we’re mad 

      Being comfortable with a menu of knowing is routine which includes blame, avoiding risk... and like clockwork, our mind reiterates the same thoughts, day after day.

One thing is certain, when we hangout with this thinking, we find friends with similar viewpoints and miss the opportunity of fresh ideas and the courage to challenge our thoughts.

Scary as situations can be, by taking baby steps we can manage the unexpected; it takes faith, believing in the process and in ourselves.  It’s a choice.

To you living your best life!

Ponderings... Food for the Soul (c)

Monday, January 5, 2015

OCD Bright & Dark Sides

The two sides of OCD - I’m referring to my everyday life and some of the ways I’ve responded.

I have learned the bright side of having OCD; there are many benefits such as the ability to track conversations, patterns and sequence (words, people, places and things) and a whole lot more… 

Thank goodness for the bright side as the dark side can be very disturbing. Way back in the day, I was like a magnet noticing everything wrong; typically I didn’t counter balance the experience with understanding or compassion. With time and commitment to self-improvement, my internal response to these different situations has improved… even those times when I see red. 

A self-taught artist, my eye for detail is always at the forefront. 

I used to paint still-life – pretty good at it though I recall the last still-life painting, I made my life and the lives of my children and former husband hell; a relentless three days to perfect a bird’s feather was enough for me to put my paintbrush away for ten years. My perfection obsession was neurotic.

One day at an art fair I was captivated with a whole new painting expression, it looked fun and I haven’t looked back. I absolutely love my whimsical painting! It brings me so much joy! Give me furniture, canvas or fabric and acrylic paint, even wall paint … and I’m in heaven. 

 My website is another expression of my creativity… when I hire someone I expect them to be better (as they are the professional/ expert) or at least as good as me. After several attempts, sometimes seeing red and sometimes having a meltdown, I surrendered to accepting for the time being my work would suffice keeping in mind someday that person would appear.
As everything in life, it’s how we respond to any situation. I believe the more we know about ourselves (and using the information as a tool of improvement) the better we manage our lives. In fact, even with the difficulties I continue to move through, I really appreciate the positive benefits of  OCD.

Happy day to you!

Ponderings... Food for the Soul (c)